


Engine 71 (E-71)

  • Manufacturer: Boardman
  • Make/model: International 4800 4x4
  • Year: 1991; refurbished 2007
  • Tank: 1050 gallons
  • Pump: Waterous CMWK
  • Pump flow rate: 1000 GPM at 150 PSI


  • 1991: Engine 739 was purchased  from Boardman with two pre-connected cross-lays to facilitate a quick response. The PTO shifting is electronic as opposed to the mechanical shifting on Engine 72. 
  • 1993: A deck gun was added.
  • 1999: A “Foam Pro” Class-A foam injection system was added and the pump discharge manifold was modified to include a flow transmitter and arranged in a way that permits foam in selected discharges only and prevents tank foam contamination. At the same time, a non-jetted, full flow, recycle line and valve were added as well as a rear mounted vacuum line and valve. 
  • 2007: This unit was completely refurbished.
  • 2008: Engine 739 was renamed Engine 71 or E-71.


Tanker 71

  • Manufacturer: International
  • Make/model: Navistar 5600i Paystar 6x6
  • Year: 2007
  • Tank: 4000 gallons
  • Fire pump: Hale AP-23
  • Fire pump flow rate: 500 GPM
  • Vacuum pump: Witting RFL 100 DVL
  • Vacuum pump flow rate: 450 CFM


  • 2007: Tanker 71 is purchased. As our service district has no fire hydrants, we rely on our tanker to transport water from strategically located fire ponds and drafting points to fire scenes. Tanker 71 also carries a portable water tank that can be setup on scene to supply water to our Engines while the Tanker replenishes from a drafting point.


Truck 7 (T-7)

  • Manufacturer: Rosenbauer
  • Make/model: Roadrunner
  • Year: 2018
  • Water tank: 750 gallons
  • Foam tank: 20 gallons
  • Pump: Waterous CSC20
  • Pump flow rate: 1250 GPM at 150 PSI
  • Pump control: PumpBoss PBA400-A00


  • 2018: Truck 7 was custom-built by Rosenbauer for Carova Beach Volunteer Fire and Rescue and delivered. Truck 7 includes a telesquirt and 35-foot ladder. Like all of CBVFR's vehicles, it is 4-wheel drive to handle the unique conditions in our service district. 
  • 2021: A new battery-operated Hurst spreader was added to enable vehicle extrication capabilities.


Brush 71 (B-71)

  • Manufacturer: Ford
  • Make/model: F350
  • Year: 1995
  • Tank: 400 gallons
  • Pump: CET PFP-11hpHND-EM
  • Pump flow rate: 250 GPM


  • 1995: Brush trucks play a key role in rapid station response to brush and vehicle fires, which are a major portion of the calls in our service district.  A new 4-door crew cab Ford F-350 with a “Fire Cracker” brush unit was purchased and named Brush 744. 
  • 1999: The Fire Cracker unit was replaced with a state of the art Class-A foam drop-in unit. This conversion included a 300-gallon fiberglass tank, drafting capability, and higher water delivery rate.
  • 2008: This unit was refurbished including vehicle repairs, painting and undercoating of undercarriage and upgrading of electronics. Compartments were added to both sides of the bed during the refurbishing. This provided storage for additional fire equipment, including SCBA units and Indian Fire Tank bags for brush fires.  At this time, Brush Truck 744 became Brush 71 or B-71.
  • 2019: The pump was upgraded to a new CET fire pump, and a new 400-gallon fiberglass tank was added to increase water supply.


Utility 7

  • Manufacturer: Hummer
  • Make/model: H-1
  • Year: 1993
  • Tank: 10 gallons
  • Pump: FireAde Enforcer 10
  • Pump flow rate: 150 PSI CAFS


  • 2016: A 1993 Hummer H-1 was purchased and retrofitted for rapid response to vehicle accidents. It carries fire extinguishers and vehicle extraction equipment, including hydraulic cutters and spreaders.
  • 2019, a 10-gallon FireAde Enforcer compressed air foam system (CAFS) was added to Utility 7 to increase its fire suppression capabilities.



  • Manufacturer: Kawasaki
  • Make/model: Mule KAF820KLF
  • Year: 2020
  • Tank: 30 gallons
  • Pump: FireAde Enforcer 30
  • Pump flow rate: 150 PSI CAFS


  • 2020: CBVF&R added a new Kawasaki Mule equipped with the FireAde Enforcer 30 as a brush unit. With its smaller footprint and FireAde capable of producing 600 gallons of finished foam, it helps us reach brush fires in wooded areas or narrow secondary roads.  The FireAde system includes 70 feet of hoseline and can throw the foam up to 45 feet, giving us sufficient reach for most incidents. 


Chief 7 (C-7)

  • Manufacturer: Ford
  • Make/model: F350 Super
  • Year: 1991; refurbished 2007
  • Tank: 10 gallons
  • Pump: FireAde Enforcer 10
  • Pump flow rate: 150 PSI CAFS


  • 2023: The Chief's truck was replaced with a Ford F350.

Deputy Chief 7 (DC-7)

  • Manufacturer: Chevrolet
  • Make/model: Silverado 1500
  • Year: 2012



  • 2018: A pre-owned Chevy Silverado 1500 was purchased for our Assistant Chief as a secondary command unit. It also serves as personnel transport for our members when performing station duties.


Tanker 72

  • Manufacturer: Mack
  • Make/model: BMY M923A2 6x6
  • Tank: 2000 gallons
  • Pump: CET


  • Our 5-ton Tanker 72 was purchased from government surplus and retrofitted by TMI to serve as a second tanker. It carries a portable CET pump and a Honda GX160 pump to pull water from our dry hydrants and drafting ponds. It has a dump pipe on the rear for quick drops into portable tanks at the fire scene.


Rescue Boat

  • Manufacturer: SeaArk Boats
  • Make/model: 2672-C.U.B.
  • Model year: 2022
  • Year built: 2021
  • Length: 26 fet
  • Motor: Suzuki 140 HP outboard


  • 2021: Our new rescue boat will enable us to provide rescue coverage to the many residents, property owners, duck hunters, and visitors that travel our canals and the Currituck Sound on a daily basis. This boat replaces a previous Zodiak.


Retired Vehicles


Brush 72

  • Manufacturer: Ford
  • Make/model: F350XL Super Duty
  • Year: 2006
  • Tank: 300 gallons
  • Pump: CET CAFS



  • 2005: The Carova Beach Fire & Rescue Auxiliary purchased a 2006 Ford 350 XL Super Duty chassis and donated it to the department for conversion to a brush truck.  A radio, light bar and siren were added and the unit was used as a service vehicle until a plan could be put together as to what equipment would be installed.
  • 2006: In December, a CET Fire Pumps representative transported the vehicle to Canada for planned upgrades. These upgrades included the installation of a 300-gallon compressed air foam (CAF) system and support hardware. 2007: In February, the completed vehicle was returned and placed into service as Brush Truck 745.
  • 2008: Brush 745 was renamed to Brush Truck 72 or B-72.
  • 2020: This truck was removed from service and sold.


Engine 72 (formerly Engine 735)

  • Chassis: International S1854-4x4
  • Engine: International DT466-C
  • Year: 1986; refurbished 2007
  • Tank: 1000 gallons
  • Pump: Waterous CMWK-1000
  • Pump flow rate: 1000 GPM at 150 PSI


  • 1986: Engine 735 was the first vehicle designed and purchased new by this department. 
  • 1991: Engine 735 served as the primary fire response vehicle for this department until 1991 when a second engine, Engine 739, was purchased.
  • 1999: The lining of the one thousand gallon metal tank broke down and rust became a problem in the mid-1990s, and the tank was replaced with a fiber tank. A three inch pre-connect line and a non-jetted recycle line was added at the same time. 
  • 2007: Engine 735 was completely refurbished, including painting and undercoating the undercarriage .   Water supply became the primary task for this unit.  
  • 2008: Engine-735 was renamed Engine 72 or E-72.
  • 2019: E-72 suffered a pump failure and was retired from active duty.

Command Vehicle 746

  • 1996: A 1991 Chevrolet Blazer was donated to the department.  It was appropriately outfitted and painted to function as a utility vehicle including light, siren and radio.  It served well as such but could not function adequately in emergency situations.


Brush 73

  • 1990: Conversion was made from make-do units to a real brush truck B-743 with the purchase of a new F-250 and the installation of a 300-gallon “Fire Cracker” brush  unit. 
  • 1995: B-743 served as the only brush unit for the department when it took second position to the new Brush 744.
  • 2007: Brush 743 was repurposed as a water rescue support to tow the Zodiak rescue boat or the jetski when needed. The vehicle was reconditioned and storage compartments were added to facilitate the change.  The unit designation became Brush Truck 73, B-73.
  • 2018: B-73 was been retired from service.


Carova Beach Volunteer Fire and Rescue


Station 7
2169 Ocean Pearl Rd
Corolla, NC 27927


For emergencies, call 911.

Non-emergency phone: 

(252) 453-8690


Auxiliary t-shirt shop:

(252) 453-0750


We welcome new members

Interested in joining?  General membership meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 6 PM at Station 7.

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© Carova Beach Volunteer Fire and Rescue